Professional Flight Control Systems U-Pilot offers the maximum performance and accuracy from take-off to landing Custom development Integration and control of multiple payloads Fixed and Rotary wing Any kind of vehicle can be controlled by U-Pilot Civil and military applications System designed and tested in the most critical environments
Airports birds control
Singular Aircraft Flyox in Spain
As part of the certification activities in which we are involved with our clients, a reliability analysis of the U-Pilot autopilot platform has been carried out... (Read More...)
At the Quero aerodrome, a Spanish company is conducting tests with a UAV, a pioneering aircraft worldwide with which it will be possible to put out fires and ca... (Read More...)
The Spanish Armed Forces have delivered two new units of the UAVs Tucan developed by the company SCR of the Everis Group to the Air Force School for Remoted Pil... (Read More...)
Babcock to integrate unmanned rotorcraft into two RPAs, LUA and LUMES. -The LUA’s maximum takeoff weight stands at 25 kilograms (55 pounds) for a 10 kilo... (Read More...)
Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiviness (MINECO) has communicated via official order on September 29th, that the activity performed by Singular Aircra... (Read More...)